Welcome to the counseling website for the Middle College at Austin Peay State University! Please browse through the links at the top of the page.
- Upcoming College visits- Recruiters from the following universities will be visiting our school!
- None scheduled at this time.
- Seniors- Several colleges in TN are providing free days/weeks when you can apply! This document also has links to videos about completing the application and a direct link to their application. college_app_free_list.pdf
- Tennessee State Board of Education has a recognition for students who choose to participate in community service hours that are above and beyond any required hours. Students who have 10 hours per semester of community service hours, for EACH semester they are enrolled in high school will receive a recognition pin. These hours must be completed and documented each semester and submitted each semester a student is in high school in order to receive the recognition. In order to receive the volunteer pin, students must complete and submit the attached form to their school counselor by the first day of high school exams each semester. Please note, you can NOT use the same hours that you are using for any other requirement such as your required hours at Middle College, Key Club, TN Promise, etc.
- This form must be submitted each semester from this point forward (starting for the fall 2016 semester) in order to recognized. It is the student’s responsibility to submit the form each semester. Late forms are not accepted. If you miss a semester, you will not receive the pin. This is optional. This does not affect your graduation status, diploma type, GPA, etc.
- FAFSA resource materials are on the bookcase outside of my office. Many resources are also available in Spanish. You are welcome to take any items. FAFSA on the Web worksheets have arrived.
- ACT/SAT practice books and registration fliers are on the bookcase outside of Mrs. Mendoza’s office. You can register online at www.act.org or (SAT) www.collegeboard.com
School Counseling Program Mission Statement:
The mission of the CMCSS School Counseling program is to provide the academic, emotional, and career support that will allow our students to reach their potential.
School Counseling Program Goals:
Our vision is that each and every one of our students is a successful and productive citizen in our ever-changing society. Students have the necessary skills to reach their highest potential and make a difference in their local community and the global community.
About your counselor...Heather Mendoza
I graduated from Northeast High School. I completed my Bachelors degree at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga and my Masters degree from Austin Peay State University. I started my school counseling career at Montgomery Central High School before we opened the Middle College in 2008.
My actual office hours vary from day to day based on my schedule for the day. My students are always welcome to stop by but you can also schedule an appointment if you want to make sure that I am in the office. (If my door is closed, I'm either out of the office or unavailable.)
My actual office hours vary from day to day based on my schedule for the day. My students are always welcome to stop by but you can also schedule an appointment if you want to make sure that I am in the office. (If my door is closed, I'm either out of the office or unavailable.)